First Church Congregational
63 South Main Street, Rochester NH, 03867 (603) 332-1121
In Person Worship Covid Protocols
In order to protect the safety of all who attend in person worship, we have developed the following protocols, based on guidance from the New Hampshire Conference of the United Church of Christ. Updates to this guidance will be communicated by the Council in a timely manner. Please keep your eyes open for updated communication.
1. Masks are required, regardless of vaccination status and even while singing.
2. Windows in interior spaces will be opened to allow outside air in. Dress accordingly.
3. Social distancing is required for those who have not been in the same “pod.” The church will be set up to accomplish this. We are equipped for about 32 “pods” or units. Some of us attend with several family members, some are alone, some have had ongoing close interactions with those they do not live with and have developed a pod.
4. People arriving for worship will maintain distance from one another. Ushers will seat people from the front of the church to the back, in the order in which people arrive. At the end of the service, ushers will dismiss worshipers one person/pod at a time, from the back to the front. Worshipers are expected to remain in their designated areas for the time they are in the Sanctuary.
5. Joys and concerns will be incorporated into the pastoral prayer, and people will be encouraged to speak the names of those for whom they are praying.
6. Should attendance exceed those 32 pods, those who arrive after 32 are seated will be invited to participate via Zoom. You are encouraged to arrive early.
7. There will be no hospitality hour.
8. The pastor will not be greeting us after the service, but will be entering and exiting from the chancel. If you need to speak with the Pastor, please call or email to arrange a time.
9. During communion, lift your mask briefly to take the elements and then securely replace your mask once finished.
10. There will be an offering plate at each entrance to the Sanctuary; you may deposit your weekly offering there as you enter or exit.